Meet Lewis Edmond: The Newest Member of Nine Twenty Recruitment

Meet the newest member of Nine Twenty: Lewis Edmond!

Holly Clark

Get to know Lewis- the newest member of Nine Twenty Recruitment…


A person with a beard and glasses

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Can you tell us a little about your background before you joined the team at Nine Twenty Recruitment?

My recruitment career started in 2001, I moved down to London to take a up a role with an IT Recruitment Specialist, still in the echoes of the threatened Y2K bug. Very much your early 2000’s sales/recruitment environment. This was an amazing and eye opening introduction to the industry. After nearly 3 years in London, I headed to the South Island of New Zealand for a well earned 4 month holiday which turned into 17 years, 2 kids and a mortgage ! I was very fortunate to carry on my recruitment career working with market leaders in the NZ IT recruitment sector. We returned to Edinburgh, Scotland in 2022. 


What attracted you to working with our team?

The phone rang and the energetic personality that is Chris Lowden was at the other end telling me about the amazing opportunity and team that is NineTwenty. Two days later I’m in a Teams call with Chris and Gordon Brown (who was live from a charity golf event). The rest is history… For me it was about the enthusiasm/real people, professionalism, market coverage and the time in market with the interesting clients that NT partnership with. I had also previously attended a number of networking events that they were involved in.


What does your role in the business involve?

My role is a mix of Recruitment, Client Engagement and Account Management, predominantly in the Scottish Tech sector. I am looking forward to continuing the great work that that the team have been doing for the last 20 years and having the pleasure of meeting with the clients that they partnership with.


What is your focus over the next 3 months?

Looking forward to spending time getting to know the Nine Twenty team, having the opportunity to meet with past and present clients and taking their opportunities and company story to market to identify fantastic tech talent.


Tell us more about who you are out of work?

A father of 2. Bridget, my partner and I, have a daughter, 12 and a son, 9. We love to travel, given we have been living at the bottom of the earth for the last 17 years, the family has been loving rediscovering Scotland, England and Europe. A collector of dad jokes, Scottish author reader, tea enthusiast, flat white snob and an avid follower of a good Ottolenghi or Jamie Oliver recipe.


What is your biggest success so far?

From a personal perspective, along with my partner, I would say it’s raising 2 well rounded, polite and inquisitive children that are a joy to (sometimes) spend time with. From a professional perspective it’s been amazing to spend the last 20+ years working with IT organisations and candidates to help progress their careers and technical teams. It’s always hard to choose a favourite, however, I particularly enjoyed working with Statistics NZ, who look after amongst many data projects, the Census for New Zealand. Recruiting the team to assist them through their census paper to digital transformation project, recruiting everything from BA’s, PM’s, Testers, through to Engineers, Data Scientists, BI, Developers and Solution Architects.


Describe yourself in 3 words?

Probably the three I hear the most… Daaad ….

You’re not funny !


If you would like to get in touch with Lewis you can email him on:


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