AI Appreciation Day: The Future of AI in Recruitment

AI Appreciation Day!

Holly Clark

I’m Naomi, an AI talent specialist based in Scotland covering the European market.


After completing my master’s thesis using discourse analysis, I became fascinated by the methods to analyse and extract meaning from text. Then, when I first discovered NLP, I was amazed to see hundreds of speeches could be processed and labelled accurately, something that I had spent countless hours doing manually.


Similarly, the first time I used GPT-3 started an obsession with the future capability of LLMs. I was already specialised in data science recruitment, but this led me to narrow my focus to AI. I never wanted to be just repeating buzz words, so I immersed myself in learning and completed several certs, including the AI Fundamentals course through IBM, often using AI tools to guide and assist.


However, my most recent moment of AI appreciation must be this weekend, where I created our new website I have no experience with web design—even Canva was unfamiliar to me, I had never customized a WordPress theme, and I had certainly never written a line of CSS code. Now the website is far from perfect, however I stumbled my way through it and can maintain it going forward, all because of AI. And that’s pretty cool!


Overall, I appreciate AI for how it can make information more accessible, democratising knowledge and empowering people to do things they never thought capable of.


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