Emma HartNews, Technology
Nine Twenty were pleased to be selected as one of the industry experts asked to contribute towards the Scotland IS Salary Report 2016. Their aim is to help Scotland’s digital technologies businesses benchmark salary levels within their companies and improve their ability to attract new staff in an increasingly competitive market.

One of the most interesting trends was the evidence showing that employers are starting to think seriously about providing employees with additional benefits over and above a base salary with 74% of businesses offering training and development and a huge 70% of businesses giving flexible working options. This demonstrates a shift in mind set away from the traditional 9-5 work day. Perhaps it would be fair to say that maybe a more flexible way of working is more conductive to a successful Technology business.

You can find the whole report over on the Scotland IS website here, however we wanted to highlight one of the overall average figures based on salaries within the industry.

These figures demonstrate the huge profitability in a career within the digital sector, with the average pay for digital roles coming in at an astounding £12,000 higher than the average salary across all occupations in Scotland alone.
If there was any more evidence needed for the argument that Scotland should be investing in the Digital sector, surely this answers that question!
If you are reading these figures and are concerned about the salaries you are paying your employees, get in touch with Nine Twenty for advice on how to tackle the problem by emailing info@weareninetwenty.com or calling us directly on 0141 231 1260.
If you are a candidate reading these figures and wondering if there is a better opportunity out there for you, you can send your CV to applications@weareninetwenty.com or head over to our live vacancies page, https://www.weareninetwenty.com/jobs.aspx
Finally, thank you to Scotland IS for collating this information alongside a number of other Scottish recruitment sources.